Donate provides all services free of charge, but relies on community support to fund the project.
Thank you.

Liberapay: uses PayPal


PayPal: PayPal.Me


bitcoin: 1AMYXS1S75uiqp8haTPkQDJY5XrGZCRpLK

bitcoin QR-Code

Bank transfers

If you have the ability to make SEPA bank transfers at a low cost (for example if you live within the EU) please contact me.

The rolling community budget in Euro (2015-10-29 - 2024-03-19): 1609,13

01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024          01.02.2024 - 29.02.2024          01.03.2024 - 19.03.2024
      Community: 265,07                Community: 279,83                Community: 132,16
      Expense:  -215,65                Expense:  -184,33                Expense:  -184,33  
      -----------------                -----------------                -----------------
      Total:      49,42                Total:      95,50                Total:     -52,17
      =================                =================                =================

Community budget forecast 12 month (Based on the regular expenses and contributions):

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
1623,79 1474,13 1.324,47 1.174,81 1.025,15 875,49
Oct Nov Dec Jan 2025 Feb 2025 Mar 2025
725,83 576,17 426,51 276,85 115,29 -46,25
